Deposition Skills

Deposition Series Intro



Deciding Whom to Depose



Initial Preparations for Deposition



What to Review Before Deposition



Preparing Notices of Deposition



Preparing Your Deposition Themes



Dealing with Difficult Opposing Counsel



Laying the Foundation for Summary Judgement



Laying the Foundation for Trial Through Deposition



Ethical Issues in Preparing a Witness for Deposition



Preparing Deposition Goals



Addressing the Standard of Care in Depositions



Drafting a Deposition Outline



Cross Examining the Witness in Deposition



Deposing the Plaintiff



Deposing the Defendant



Deposing the Corporate Representative



Deposing the Record Custodian



Deposing the Lay Witness



Deposing the Expert Witness



Deposing the Treating Physician



Deposing the Mental Health Professional



Deposing the Investigating Officer



Deposing the Accident Reconstructionist



Deposing the Accountant



Deposing the Economist



Deposing the Life Care Planner



Deposing the Epidemiologist



Deposing the Engineer



Determining Whether to Conduct a Video Deposition



Using Exhibits at Deposition



Deposing the Standard of Care Expert



Deposing the Appraiser



Preparing Your Client for Deposition



Rules for Your Client at Deposition



Defending Your Client at Deposition



Objections at Deposition
